Assemble for Ensemble Batida

The audiovisual work “Assemble coulisses & entretiens” follows the creation process behind the scenes for the exhibition “Le Téléphérique” coproduced by Ensemble Batida, Association Amalthea & API- Association pour le Patrimoine Industriel. The assemble of the portraits brings together hidden visions on the steps that lead up to the final exposition. The first four portraits follow the members of Ensemble Batida. Alexandra Bellon takes the viewer in her composition process accompanied by her long term addiction to notebooks. Viva Sanchez describes her encounters with other artists and immerses us in the traditional Swiss Bull fighting. Anne Briset explores in her talk the tangible sonic experience of continuous sounds and Jeanne Larrouturou takes us with her in a unique field trip to a Swiss factory that still up today is producing bells.

Assemble /əˈsɛmbl/

1. (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose. together the separate component parts of (a machine or other object).


Ensemble Batida: Alexandra Bellon, Anne Briset, Jeanne Larrouturou, Viva Sanchez
Concept, composition & interpretation of ‘Viens Donc Vien Don’
Co-Conception ‘La Télécatida’


Léo Maurel
Co-Conception & realisation ‘La Télécatida’

Pierre Thomas

Concept, composition & realisation ‘Téléphériques et leur câblerie’

Franck Vacheron

Director of L’API- – Association pour le Patrimoine Industriel, hosting the exposition ‘Le Téléphérique’


Thierry Simonot
Sound engineer of f ‘Viens Donc Vien Don’